Proposed Amendments to the Constitution & By-Laws


Dear CBA Member:

I hereby am notifying you that during the CBA Business Meeting on Monday, August 1, 2022 at Santa Clara University and via Zoom, FULL MEMBERS will be asked to vote on two proposed motions to amend the CBA Constitution and By-Laws. According to Article IX of the CBA Constitution, 

Section 1: This Constitution may be amended by two-thirds of the Full Members present and voting at the annual general meeting, voting to approve proposed amendments, provided that official notice of any proposed amendment shall have been sent by the Executive Director either by mail or by electronic means to the members of the Association at least three months before the annual general meeting at which it is to be considered. Amendments can be proposed by any Full Member and are first submitted to the Executive Board which must approve of the said amendment by a majority vote before the proposed amendment is allowed to go forward for vote by the Full Members.

Section 2: By-laws which are not inconsistent with this Constitution may be adopted, changed, or abrogated by a majority vote of the Full Members present and voting at the annual general meeting, voting to approve proposed changes, provided that the Executive Director has sent notice of the proposed new By-law or of the change or abrogation of the By-law to the members of the Association at least one month before the annual general meeting at which the matter is to be considered.

The CBA Constitution and By-Laws are posted to the CBA website (

Proposed Amendments

  1. That in the Constitution and By-Laws when "Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series" or "CBQMS" appears the following text, "and CBQ Imprints" or "and CBQI" be added respectively.

    Background: In 2020, the CBA initiated a new publications series, CBQ Imprints which has been managed by the General Editor and Associate Editors of CBQMS. At its November 2021 meeting, the Executive Board moved "to present at the 2022 Annual General Meeting Business Meeting a proposal to amend the CBA Constitution and By-Laws by adding 'CBQ Imprints' to the title and responsibilities of the General Editor and Associate Editors of CBQMS."
  2. That in ARTICLE VII, Section 5 of the CBA Constitution and By-Law 4.4.5., the number of members of the Committee on Research Support be expanded from six to eight.

    Background: As CBA seeks to expand the grants and visiting professorship opportunities, the demands of the time of the members of the Committee on Research Support also expands. At its April 2022 meeting, the Executive Board moved to "present at the 2022 Annual General Meeting Business Meeting a proposal to amend the CBA Constitution and By-Laws by adding two members to the Committee on Research Support."

Meeting Invitation
Members are encouraged to attend the 84th International Meeting of the CBA, July 30 - August 1, 2022 either in person at Santa Clara University or virtually. In order to reach the quorum necessary to vote on the proposed amendment, 10% of the total Full Members in good standing need to be present (in person or virtually). The vote will be taken through an electronic survey sent to all FULL MEMBERS registered for the meeting (in-person or virtual).

Registration: All members (and member candidates) will receive an email registration invitation in a week or so. Once the registration site is active, you will need to login to the website in order to register for the meeting. Please note that registration for in-person participation will close at 11:59 PM EDT on July 4. After that point, there will be no way to register for in-person participation. Registration for the virtual participation will close at 11:59 PM EDT on July 24. Registration information and a link to meeting details are posted on the CBA website at

Thank you for your support of the CBA.


Archie T. Wright
Executive Director