Current Research Reports


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 McGivney Hall


Pyzbyla Center

N.B. Rooms are being provided for those at CUA 
to gather for Research Reports that are being
presented virtually which are marked "V"


Times listed are PACIFIC TIME!


Research Reports

SUNDAY, 1:20 - 2:00 PM


  • Michael B. Cover, Marquette University
    “Texts of Turning: Representing Conversion in Early Judaism
    and the New Testament”

M: 003

  • Klaus Peter Adam, Independent Scholar
    "Deuteronomy’s Relevance for Territorialism and Legal Pluralism in
    Light of the 'Defund the Police' Movement'"


  • James B. Prothro, Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology
    "Revisiting Mercy and Judgment in Jude"

M: 011

  • Antony Dhas Prakasam, Archdiocese of Hartford
    "Spatial Metaphors, Metonymies and the Pride of Babylon in Isaiah"

M: 009

  • Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St. Edward's University
    "Dynastic Disputes and the Relationship of 1 and 2 Maccabees"

M: 014

  • Melanie Peetz, Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen
    "Exploring Emotions in Ancient Near Eastern Iconography"

M: 005



Research Reports

SUNDAY, 2:10 - 2:50 PM


  • Carmen Palmer, Stetson University
    "Jacob and Esau Reinterpreted via a Physiognomic Lens"

M: 011

  • Martin C. Albl, Independent Scholar
    "Jesus, Scrolls, Synagogues: Historicity of Luke 4:16–20"

M: 005

  • Jonathan Sanchez,University of Notre Dame
    [CBA's Verbum Emerging Scholars Fellow]  
    “The Rebuked and the Damned: Rebuke, Eschatology, and Expulsion in Matthew and the Dead Sea Scrolls"

M: 003

  • Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, College of the Holy Cross
    "Samson and the Aesthetics of Biblical Biography"

M: 012

  • Jean Romeo Ntsama, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum
    "A Study of the terûʿâ and the teqîʿâ in the OT"

M: 009

  • Karina Martin Hogan, Fordham University
    "Feminist Readings of Ruth in Costa Rica"

M: 014



Research Reports


SUNDAY, 3:20 - 4:00 PM


  • Todd R. Hanneken, St. Mary’s University and David T. Gura, University of Notre Dame
    "Priestly Eschatology in Testament of Moses and Malachi"

M: 005

  • Séamus O’Connell, Pontifical University, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth
    “Divine Drum Roll—the Theological Significance of Euthys in Mark”

M: 003

  • Mark Reasoner, Marian University
    "Romans—Cosmic Redemption, Not Individuals’ Destinies"

M: 009

  • Anathea Portier-Young, Duke Divinity School
    "Emotion and Time in Daniel"

M: 014

  • Craig E. Morrison, O. Carm., Pontifical Biblical Institute
    "Saul’s Mission (עצר  in 1 Sam 9:17) According to the Versions"

M: 012



Research Reports


SUNDAY, 4:10 - 4:50 PM


  • Frank Shaw, Independent Scholar
    "The Pronunciation of the Divine Name in Hellenistic Judaism:
    The Current State of the Question"

M: 011

  • Hugo Mendez, University of North Carolina
    “‘I Have Much to Write’ (2 John 12): Expanding the Catalogue of
    'Johannine Literature'”

M: 003

  • Mark Kiley, St. John's University
    "Allusions Direct and Not So Much in Mark"

M: 005

  • Mary Micaela Hoffmann, RSM, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
    "An Anthropological Review of Love in Deuteronomy"

M: 009

  • Mark S. Smith, Princeton Theological Seminary
    “'Few and Evil': Jacob’s Commentary on His Life in Genesis 47:7-10"

M: 014

  • Harry Hagan, O.S.B., Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology
    "Are Ezekiel 1 and 37 'Free Verse'?"

M: 012




Research Reports

MONDAY, 1:20 - 2:00 PM


  • Antonio Portalatín, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico
    "Theological Exegesis Today"

M: 011

  • Paul L. Danove, Villanova University
    "Mark’s Characterization of Jesus as High Priest"

M: 014

  • Brigid Curtin Frein, University of Scranton
    "Jesus’ Teachings about God in the Luke 4:14-9:50"

M: 012

  • Elizabeth Schick, Marquette University  
    [CBA's Verbum Emerging Scholars Fellow]
    “Revelation through Words and Tears: The Roles of Martha and Mary
    in John 11:17-44”

M: 003

  • Domenico Lo Sardo, Pontifical Antonianum University
    “Oil for Lamp in Exod 27:20–21 (Lev 24:2–3):
    Textual and Literary Criticism”
M: 005

  • Matthew Arakaky, Duke University
    [CBA's Verbum Emerging Scholars Fellow]
    "Dynamics of Symmetry in Anatu's Contest with Môtu in KTU 1.6 II"
M: 009



Research Reports


MONDAY, 2:10 - 2:50 PM


  • David A. Bosworth, The Catholic University of America 
    "The Bible and Catholics in Abolitionist Discourse"

M: 012

  • Marcin Kowalski, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
    "The Spirit in Romans 8: Paul, the Stoics, and Jewish Authors in Dialog"

M: 011

  • Michael Francis, The Catholic University of America
    "Israel as Progressor in Romans 9:30-10:4"


  • Tommaso Bacci, University of Chicago
     [CBA's Verbum Emerging Scholars Fellow]
    “Celestial Bodies, Foreign Gods, or Delegates?
    A Reassessment of the Role of the Luminaries in Gen 1:14–19”

M: 003

  • Hryhoriy Lozinskyy
    Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius
    "Festival Legislation in the Pentateuch and Beyond: Status Quaestionis"


  • Blažej Štrba, Comenius University in Bratislava
    "Ten Ascents of Moses on Sinai? "

M: 005



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