École Biblique
Visiting Professorship

Re-established 2022
Application Form
Application Checklist
Reimbursable Expenses
Application deadline is November 15.
The Catholic Biblical Association of America announces the re-establishment of annual visiting fellowship at the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem where tenure-track or tenured scholars of the CBA will have the opportunity to teach one course to an international cohort of students, equivalent to a doctoral/licentiate level course, offer a public lecture on their research, interact with a renowned faculty, participate in the archeological / topographical excursions of the Ecole into the Land of Israel (i.e., Galilee, Jordan, Negev, etc.) and take full advantage of the outstanding library resources and superb research conditions that are part of the EBAF community.
Applicants should be CBA member tenured established scholars with a record of published research and professional contributions. Retired or Emeritus faculty are welcome to apply. (The Visiting Professorship is not intended for Early Career scholars). Also, see Selection Process criteria below.
The length of the Fellowship can be between 4 and 12 months but are funded on four or six-month increments (4, 6, 8, and 12 months). The Fellowship will provide a $30,000 stipend and up to $25,000 to cover housing, meals, and other relevant expenditures, including airfare and necessary visas.
- Stipend: $35,000
- Expenses: up to $25,000 reimbursed expenses
- Fixed Expenses
- Housing and Meals: applicants must choose length of stay at time of application
- $7,000 per 4-month period
- $10,500 for 6 month period
- $14,000 – 8 month
- $21,000 – 12 month
- Housing and Meals: applicants must choose length of stay at time of application
- Approximate Expenses:
- Airfare: $1200
- Travel Visa: (approx.) $60
- Ancillary Expenditures: $100 per month
- Fixed Expenses
2025-26 Areas of Teaching
Teaching areas of need and interest for the academic year 2025-26 are open to the expertise of the individual including biblical studies, history, archaeology, ancient languages, etc.
Applications for the academic year 2025-26 will open on September 1, 2024, and should be received no later than November 15, 2024 for consideration.
Application Process
Interested applicants should complete the entire process to be considered for the pool of candidates submitted to the Pontifical Biblical Institute, including:
- The École Biblique Visiting Professor Application Form,
- A Curriculum Vitae (no more than four pages)
- A one-page Letter of Intent that presents current research area(s).
- Checklist
Send the above documents as email attachments to the CBA Office (cba-office@cua.edu) on or before November 15th. N.B. if within a week of submitting your application, you have not received from the CBA Office an email response confirming receipt of the application, please call the office (202-319-5519) and leave a message.
Selection Process
A CBA subcommittee on the Visiting Professorship at École Biblique will assess applications based and present a pool of eligible applicants to the École Biblique for consideration. The decision will be made by January 31st.
- Applicant is a scholar and a member of CBA in good standing.
- Applicant’s teaching proposal coincides with EBAF curricular profile as well as applicant’s research.
- Applicant is prepared to teach at the doctoral/licentiate level in an international setting. All teaching will be conducted in English.
- Applicant’s research project represents an enriching contribution to contemporary biblical scholarship.
Health Insurance
The applicant needs health insurance. If their US health insurance covers expenses abroad, it is not necessary to buy Israeli health insurance. If not, it is necessary to purchase the latter. The applicant should consult their health insurance agent and add whether they need to acquire health insurance.
Application Checklist (to accompany required application materials).