2015 AGM - Xavier University of Louisiana
Report of the Seventy-Eighth International Meeting of The Catholic Biblical Association of America
The seventy-eighth International Meeting of The Catholic Biblical Association of America was held August 1-4, 2015, at the Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisiana. The meeting opened on the evening of Saturday, August 1, with a welcome from Xavier University’s President and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. C. Reynold Verret and Dr. Deidre D. Labat, respectively. The welcome was followed by a panel discussion on the topic, “Scholarship and Social Engagement,” moderated by Ellen White. The panelists were David Creech, Concordia College, Moorhead; Ahida E. Pilarski, St. Anselm College; and John J. Pilch, Johns Hopkins University. The panel discussion was followed by a social hour.
Sessions on Sunday, August 2nd
Four Task Forces and six Continuing Seminars met simultaneously each day from 9:00 to 10:45 A.M. The Task Forces included: “The Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation: Investigations into Kinship” (co-conveners: Patrick J. Hartin and Joan C. Campbell, C.S.M.; core group members in attendance: Daniel K. Darko, John H. Elliott, Karl A. Kuhn, John J. Pilch, Kenneth G. Stenstrup, and Walter F. Taylor, Jr.); “Biblical Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies” (co-conveners: Richard J. Bautch and Jean-François Racine; core group members in attendance: Michael Patella, O.S.B.; Antonio Portalatin; Stephen Breck Reid; C. Gilbert Romero; David W. Smith; Peter Spitaler); “Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics” (co-conveners: Lauress Wilkins Lawrence and Lai Ling E. Ngan; core group members in attendance: Damien L. Dietlein, O.S.B.; John C. Endres, S.J.; Florence Morgan Gillman; Corinna Y. Guerrero; Alice L. Laffey; Sallie J. Latkovich; Sheila E. McGinn; Ahida Pilarski); “John’s Gospel and the Old Testament” (co-conveners Lawrence E. Frizell and Gregory Y. Glazov; core group members in attendance: James Barker; Sherri L. Brown; Christopher M. Ciccarino; Mark A. Matson).
The Continuing Seminars and their respective leaders studied: “Divinity in Ancient Israel” (John L. McLaughlin); “Hebrew Poetry Seminar: Psalms 1145-150” (Joseph E. Jensen and Pauline A. Viviano); “Key Texts and Theological Themes in Romans 5-8” (Robert F. O’Toole, S.J. and Thomas D. Stegman, S.J.);“Purity and Sacrifice in Second Temple Judaism and Emerging Christianity: The Day of Atonement in Early Jewish and Christian Traditions” (John J. Clabeaux and Gregory Tatum, O.P.); “The Deuterocanonical Books: Origins and Reception” (Jeremy Corley and Geoff D. Miller); and “The Synoptic Gospels: Texts and Contexts” (Séamus G. O’Connell).
The morning concluded with papers presented in simultaneous sessions by Deena Elana Grant, “The Fiery Body of God”, and by Martin C. Albl, “’Faith without actions is dead’: Translating and interpreting the Letter of James for the École Biblique’s The Bible in Its Traditions Project.”
Four sessions of research reports during the afternoon heard the following papers delivered: Klaus-Peter Adam, “The Terminology for Enemies in the Psalms”; Leslie Baynes, “‘I Am No Higher Critic’: C. S. Lewis in the Context of 20th c. Biblical Scholarship”; Don C. Benjamin, “Women in/and Deuteronomy”; Regina A. Boisclair, “Environmental Hermeneutics - Three Approaches”; David A. Bosworth, “Did King David Read Machiavelli?”; Sherri Brown, “The Challenge of 2 Peter for the Christian Faithful”; Andrew R. Davis, “Re-reading 1 Kings 17:21 in Light of Ancient Medical Texts”; Toan Do, “Does ὥστε ἔχειν Imply an Actuality or a Probability? Paul’s Rhetoric in 1 Cor 5:1”; Juraj Feník, “Christus Dominans? Preposition and Christology in Colossians”; Mark Giszczak, “Ritual Gesture and Social Cohesion in the Old Testament”; Angela Kim Harkins “The Function of Prayers of Ritual Mourning in the Second Temple Period”; Herbert Huffmon,“1 Kings 13 – A Tale of Two Prophets”; Mark Kiley, “That Nothing Be Lost”; Vincent Skemp, “The Group of Women in the Thecla Narrative vis-à-vis Greco-Roman Choruses”; Mark S. Smith, “Isaiah 7-8 or 7+8? Questions of Perspectives, Settings, and Paths to Production”; Andrea Spatafora, “Brevard Childs’s Canonical Approach: A Catholic Perspective”; Peter Spitaler, “Patience and Suffering as Solutions to Oppression? A Review of James 5:7-11”; Blazej Strba, “Sight or Skin?”; Gregory Tatum, O.P., “N. T. Wright on Covenant and Torah”; Benedict Viviano, O.P., “John the Baptist in Q: Violence and the Kingdom of God”; Peter S. Williamson, “The First Resurrection: A Catholic Reading of the Millennium (Rev 20:4-6).”
Concurrent with the research reports were three round-table discussions “Minority Biblical Criticism and Its Implications for Catholic Biblical Interpretation” (1:20 – 2:50 P.M.) led by Ahida E. Pilarski and Gilberto A. Ruiz; “Historical Studies and Biblical Studies” (1:20 – 2:50 P.M.) led by Fernando F. Segovia; and “New Directions in the Study of the Pentateuch” (3:20 – 4:50 P.M.) led by Richard J. Bautch and Thomas M. Bolin.
The Most Reverend Alfred C. Hughes, Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of New Orleans was presider and homilist for the evening Eucharistic celebration. Members of the association who died during previous years were commemorated at the liturgy: Dr. Roger W. Anderson, Jr.; Rev. Aelred Cody, O.S.B.; Dr. David P. McCarthy; Rev. Bernardin V. Schneider, O.F.M.; and Rev. James P. M. Walsh, S.J.
The evening concluded with the President’s Address, “Luke: Friend of Women or Most Dangerous Book of the Bible?” delivered by Barbara E. Reid, O.P., followed by a social hour.
Sessions on Monday, August 3
Rev. George Smiga was the principal celebrant and homilist at the 7:00 A.M. Eucharistic liturgy. The Task Forces and Continuing Seminars resumed their work in the morning. The morning concluded with papers presented in simultaneous sessions by John J. Pilch, “Proverbs in MENA (Middle East North Africa) Cultural Context” and by Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S, “Dei Verbum Fifty Years On: Why This Anniversary Matters for Catholics and the Bible.”
During the afternoon, the round table discussions initiated at 1:20 – 2:50 P.M. on Sunday were continued as well as two sessions of research reports heard the following papers delivered: Kelley Coblentz Bautch, “Toward an Understanding of the Translations and Textual History of Enochic Literature”; Teresa R. Brown, “Gleaning in 21st Century Urban Society”; Peter Dubovsky, S.J., “The Building of the First Temple: A Study in Redactional, Text-Critical and Historical Perspective”; Mark J Goodwin, “Romans 9:25 and the Elective Love of God: Scriptural Background and Epistolary Function”; Patrick J. Madden, “Raised According to the Scriptures: Another Look at Hosea 6:1-2”; Geoffrey David Miller, “Ḥērem in Deuteronomy”; Mark Reasoner, “The Modus Argumendi of Romans 9-11: Does Paul Know the End from the Beginning?”; Gerald Emem Umoren, “The Import of Hope in the Life of the Old Testament Exiles”; John T. Willis, “Roles of Lions in Hebrew Prophetic Literature.”
Business Meeting
CBA President Barbara E. Reid called the annual business meeting to order at 3:19 P.M., beginning with a time of silent prayer when former CBA members who had died were remembered. In advance of the meeting, CBA members were notified by e-mail that the business meeting reports were available for download from the CBA website. Throughout the business meeting, a Power Point presentation was displayed containing salient points from each of the reports.
The Executive Director’s report was presented by Joseph C. Atkinson. He started by revealing that 217 from 10 different countries had registered for the 2015 Annual General Meeting. On behalf of those present, he offered thanks to the hosts of the meeting, Xavier University of Louisiana, in particular CBA member, Sr. Mary Ann Stachow, S.B.S. Atkinson then stated that a focus of the past year has been the implementation of the structures and practices outlined in the Constitution and By-Laws approved at last year’s meeting. One consequence of the new structures is the many slots that need to be filled by the Committee on Nominations. Atkinson also shared his appreciation of the CBA Office staff, Violet Halton and Lisa Tarker. He presented some highlights from the Office’s work in the past year: the development of a policy regulating Institutional Archiving and Open-Access; the near completion of the membership/accounting database conversion; and the greater communication the office has established with the membership through the website, Facebook, Twitter, and monthly e-newsletters. He also recognized with appreciation the free computers and technical support from The Catholic University of America. Gratitude was also expressed to the CBA webmaster, Felix Just, the Executive Board (in particular President, Barbara Reid, and Past President, Gary Anderson), and to the Chairs of two Committees that commendably executed a large workload — Dick Clifford, Committee on Nominations Chair, and John Clabeaux, Committee on the Program for the Annual General Meeting Chair. Atkinson also commented about the genuine family flavor to CBA which has the potential to serve God’s Word in a unique way, but like all families, CBA is meant to grow. To that end, he added, the Executive Board has been wrestling with the challenges of the future. The Board is exploring a Young Scholars initiative to engage new scholars beginning their careers. It is also investigating the reinstitution of the grant program, establishing planning models that enable better promotion of CBA activities, securing venues for the Annual General Meeting, and developing the website to better serve the membership as a tool for academic research and communication. With respect of the last two items, he requested that members interested in hosting an Annual General Meeting to contact the CBA Office and encouraged all members to log into the CBA website to check that the correct e-mail address is in their account profile. The floor was opened for questions and/or comments.
There being none, Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. as Chair the Committee on Finance and Investments, gave a summary report on the finances of the association. Prior to the meeting, members were sent an e-mail with a link to the CBA Financial Report for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2015. Witherup pointed out that for the fiscal year, CBA’s total receipts were $940,418.97, while the association’s expenses totaled $480,849.53. The market value of CBA’s investments is $9,942,439 and the total assets are $10,554,841. After Witherup’s summation, a question was raised about the gap between income and expenditures for Old Testament Abstracts (receipts: $25,367.75/expenses: $90,383.81). Witherup responded that the difference is compensated by the large royalties received from the ATLA contract which is recorded in the royalties section.
Leslie J. Hoppe, O.F.M. presented his report as the General Editor of the CBQ, expressing thanks to the Editorial Board for its work. He recounted the statistics presented in the report, pointing to the need for more submissions. He raised a concerned that the 2015 October issue presently is thin with only six articles and issued an invitation to members to seriously consider CBQ as a venue for article publication and to consenting to be a reviewer. Hoppe moved that the following persons recommended by the CBQ Editorial Board be elected to serve on that Board: David E. Aune; Jeremy Corley, Anathea E. Portier-Young, and Seung Ai Yang (nominated for second term, 2016-2019); Normand R. Bonneau, Andrew R. Davis, Ahida E. Pilarski, and Dennis Hamm, S.J. (newly nominated for 2016-2019); Christopher Frechette (nominated as a replacement to complete the term of Julia M. O’ Brien, 2015-2017). With no dissent or abstention being voiced, the motion passed unanimously.
In the absence of Christopher T. Begg, Joseph E. Jensen gave the report of the General Editor of OTA. He noted that two issues were produced in February and June, representing 1,521 article abstracts and 230 book abstracts. At the time of the report, the October issue was with the typesetter and articles were being collected for the February 2016 issue.
In the absence of Robert A. Kugler, Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. presented his report of the General Editor of CBQMS. In 2015, CBQMS Volume 53, The Fallen Angels Traditions: Second Temple Developments and Reception History, edited by Angela Kim Harkins, Kelley Coblentz Bautch, and John Endres, S.J. was published. CBQMS 54, Good Queen Mothers, Bad Queen Mothers: The Theological Presentation of the Queen in 1 and 2 Kings, by Ginny Brewer-Boydston is in press. A further volume, CBQMS 55, Exploring Biblical Kinship: Festschrift in Honor of John J. Pilch, edited by Joan Campbell and Patrick J. Hartin, is in the final editing stages and will be in press in late summer 2015. Retiring from the Board in 2015 are five members: Ralph Klein, Leo Laberge, Bruce Malina, Pheme Perkins, and Barbara Green (whose term would have concluded in 2017). Witherup moved that moved that the following persons recommended by the CBQMS Editorial Board be elected to serve on that Board: Richard Bautch to conclude Barbara Green’s term (2015-17) and Richard Ascough, Peter Dubovsky, Karina Hogan, Catherine Murphy for the complete term (2016-19). With no dissent or abstention being voiced, the motion carried unanimously.
The report of the Committee on Credentials was given by Joseph C. Atkinson. A motion was made that the following individuals be approved for membership at their respective levels into the Catholic Biblical Association:
For Active Membership:
Michael Azar; Elizabeth C. Boase; Dulcinea L. Boesenberg; Mary T. Brian; Teresa J. Calpino; Allesandro Cavicchia, O.F.M.; Valerian S.L. Cheong; Paul K.K. Cho; Sandra A. Collins; Michael B. Cover; Jenny L. DeVivo; Heath D. Dewrell; Lesley R. DiFransico; Mark O. Enemali; Arthur A. Just, Jr.; Mahri S. Leonard-Fleckman; Albert L. Lukaszewski; Domink Markl, S.J.; Joseph L. McDonald; Hugo E. Mendez; Timothy M. Milinovich; Jason A. Myers; Wongi Park; Joseph L. Ponessa; Patrick Pouchelle; Timothy B. Sailors; Michael R. Simone; Christopher W Skinner; Ryan E. Stokes; Katy E. Valentine; Donald R. Vance; Jamie Waters; Michael R. Whitenton.
For Associate Membership:
Yiu Sing Luke Chan, S.J.; Madeline Gómez-Ramírez; Johannes Kleiner; Geoffrey E. Ludvik; Paul A. Major; Mirasol C. Navidad; Adrianne L. Spunaugle; Michael J. Stahl.
The candidates for CBA membership were accepted by unanimous voice vote.
In the absence of Richard J. Clifford, S.J., Pauline A. Viviano gave the report of the Committee on Nominations. A total of 112 paper ballots for the election of the Executive Board Chair and CBA Vice-President were distributed to CBA Full Members upon their arrival to the Business Meeting, thus achieving a quorum which is set as ten percent of the total Full Membership of 1,065 (c.f. 3.3 of the CBA By-Laws). Viviano presented the candidates for the new position of Chair of the Executive Board (Thomas Dozeman and Pheme Perkins) and for the position of CBA Vice-President (Dale Launderville, O.S.B. and Harry P. Nasuti). A link to each candidate’s curriculum vitae was sent to members prior to the Annual General Meeting. With no nominations coming from the floor, Full Members were instructed to make their selections on the ballot. As the ballots were being tallied by Violet Halton, Joseph E. Jensen and Mark Smith, Viviano presented the Committee on Nomination’s recommended slate of candidates: for President (2015-2016): Leslie Hoppe, O.F.M.; for Executive Board Consultor (2015-2017): Patrick Cronauer, O.S.B. and Michael R. Simone, S.J.; for Committee on Nominations: Linda M. Maloney(2015-2016) and Brigid Frein (2015-18); for the Committee on Finance and Investments (2015 – 2018): John Kaltner and Michael Patella, O.S.B; Martin Albl (2015-2018), for Committee on the Program for the Annual Meeting: Karin Martin Hogan (2015-2017), Ellen White, O.P. (2015-2017), John J. Clabeaux (2015-2016), Séamus O'Connell (2015-2016), and Angela Kim Harkins as Chair (2015-2018); for the Committee on Research Support: David Bosworth (2015-2016), Thomas McCreesh, O.P. (2015-2016), Mark S. Smith (2015-2017), Greg Sterling (2015-2017), Randall Chesnutt (2015-2018), and Steven L. McKenzie (2015-2018); for the Committee on Technology and Outreach: Peter Spitaler (2015-2017), Ellen White, O.P. (2015-2017), Mark Giszczak (2015-2016), Charles Kosanke (2015-2016), Mahri Leonard-Fleckman (2015-2016), and Felix Just, S.J. as Chair (2015-17). In a voice vote the slate of candidates were unanimously approved by the members present.
On behalf of the Resolutions Committee, Harold W. Attridge, Jr., introduced the following motion which passed unanimously by voice vote: WHEREAS our hosts, Xavier University of Louisiana, and the Local Arrangements Committee under the able leadership of Mary Ann Stachow, S.B.S., have provided a warm welcome and gracious hospitality to the members of the Catholic Biblical Association on the occasion of its Seventy-eighth meeting.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Association shall express our profound thanks and deep appreciation to Xavier University and to all of our local hosts.
After the approval of the resolution, the Executive Director presented to Mary Ann Stachow, S.B.S. a version of the Extreme Humility icon rendered by Lewis Williams, O.F.S. as an expression of gratitude for her leadership and work in hosting the Annual General meeting.
Members were invited to the Seventy-ninth International Meeting of CBA to be held August 6-9, 2016 at Santa Clara University, accessible by the San Jose airport and a 10 minute walk from the Amtrak station. Jean-François Racine has agreed to serve as chair of the Local Arrangements Committee for the meeting and he spoke briefly, inviting us to attend the Annual Meeting next year at Santa Clara University.
Those in attendance were encouraged to go to the CBA website to complete an online Evaluation form.
At 4:17 P.M., the results of the election were announced. There were seven Full Members who abstained from voting. For Executive Board Chair (2015-2018) Pheme Perkins was elected, receiving 70 votes while Thomas Dozeman received 35 votes. For Vice-President (2015-2016) Harry P. Nasuti was elected, receiving 62 votes while Dale Launderville, O.S.B. received 42 votes.
At 4:20 P.M., a motion was introduced that the business meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously in a voice vote and Reid declared the meeting adjourned.
Barbara Jean Horrell presided and preached at an ecumenical celebration of Evening Prayer based upon the Common of Holy Women, in honor of St. Katharine Drexel, founder of Xavier University of Louisiana.
Monday evening concluded with a General Session presentation by Corrine L. Carvalho, “Tattoos, Drunkenness, and Dirty Underwear: How the Aesthetics of Jeremiah Challenge Notions of the Good and the True,” followed by a reception.
Sessions on Tuesday, August 4
Rev. Francis Macatangay was the principal celebrant and homilist for the 7:00 A.M. Eucharistic liturgy.
The Task Forces and Continuing Seminars met in the first part of the morning. In the final general session, Francis Moloney, S.D.B. presented his paper, “A Hermeneutic for Divorce and Remarriage in the Catholic Tradition.”
The following CBA members and invited guests were in attendance at the meeting:
Adam, Klaus-Peter Adutwum, Collins A. Albl, Martin C. Alderman, Isaac M. Anderson, Gary A. Atkinson, Joseph C. Attridge, Harold W. Ayeni, Ayodele, C.S.Sp. Bailey, Wilma A. Barker, James Bautch, Richard Baynes, Leslie A. Benjamin, Don C. Betancourt, Juan M., S.E.M.V. Binz, Stephen J. Blenkinsopp, Joseph Boase, Elizabeth C. Boase, Philip D. Bobertz, Charles A. Boisclair, Regina A. Bolin, Thomas M. Bonneau, Normand, O.M.I. Bosworth, David Boxall, Ian K. Brien, Mary T., P.B.V.M. Brown, Sherri L. Brown, Teresa R. Calpino, Teresa J. Campbell, Joan C., C.S.M. Carvalho, Corrine L. Cavicchia, Alessandro, O.F.M. Chen, Tongchun, O.P. Chesnutt, Randall D. Ciccarino, Christopher M. Clabeaux, John J. Coblentz Bautch, Kelley Connolly-Weinert, Francis D. Cook, Joan E., S.C. Corley, Thomas J. Cotter, Wendy, C.S.J. Creech, David A. Cronauer, Patrick T., O.S.B. Darensbourg, Rita, S.S.F. Darko, Daniel K. Davids, Peter H. Davis, Andrew R. DeVivo, Jenny Dietlein, Damian L., O.S.B. DiFransico, Lesley R. Dillon, Richard J. DiMicco, Russell G. Do, Toan Dozeman, Thomas B. Dubovsky, Peter, S.J. Duggan, Michael W. Dwyer, Peter Dyer, Bryan R. Eck, Joachim M. Elliott, Neil Endres, John C., S.J. Enemali, Mark O., C.S.Sp. Feník, Juraj Frechette, Christopher Frizzell, Lawrence E. Galvin, Garrett M., O.F.M. Gillman, Florence M. Gillman, John L. Girard, Marc |
Giszczak, Mark B. Glazov, Gregory Y. Goodwin, Mark J. Granados, Juan M., S.J. Grant, Deena E. Gregory, Bradley C. Hagan, Harry, O.S.B. Halton, Violet Hamm, Dennis, S.J. Hanneken, Todd R. Harkins, Angela Kim Harmon, Bradley Hartin, Patrick Hayes, Katherine M. Healy, Mary E. Hens-Piazza, Gina J. Hidalgo, Jacqueline M. Hoerter, Greg Hogan, Karina M. Homan, Michael M. Hoppe, Leslie J., O.F.M. Horell, Barbara Jean D. Huffmon, Herbert B. Hughes, Barnaby Jackson, John R. Jancovic, Jozef Jensen, Joseph E. Judge, Peter J. Just, Felix , S.J. Kalimi, Isaac Kaltner, John Kinman, Ian Kinney, James Kitz, Anne Marie Kleiner, Johannes Kolarcik, Michael F., S.J. Kosanke, Charles G. Kuhn, Karl A. Lambey, Veronica R., S.S.F. LaMontagne, Nathan Latkovich, Sallie, C.S.J. Launderville, Dale F., O.S.B. Lawrence, Lauress Wilkins Lenchak, Timothy A., S.V.D. Leonard-Fleckman, Mahri S. Lodge, John G. Lux, Richard C. Macatangay, Francis M. Madden, Patrick J. Maloney, Elliott, O.S.B. Marek, Libor Martinez, Roberto, O.F.M. Cap. Mathews, Danny Matson, Mark A. Mattos, Dominic Mazich, Edward, O.S.B. McCormick, Larry D. McCormick, Ruth S. McDonald, Joseph McGinn, Sheila E. McLaughlin, John L. Meier, John P. Mendez, Hugo Milinovich, Timothy M. Moloney, Francis J., S.D.B. Monnig, Matthew S., S.J. Moriarty, Robert K., S.M. Muller, Earl C., S.J. |
Nasuti, Harry P. Naveros Cordova, Nelida, C.D.P. Ngan, Lai Ling E. Nguyen, Thanh V., S.V.D. O'Connell, Séamus O'Toole, Robert F., S.J. Pascuzzi, Maria, C.S.J. Patella, Michael F., O.S.B. Peppard, Michael Perkins, Pheme Phillips, Thomas E. Pilarski, Ahida Pilch, John J. Pitre, Brant Polinski, Nathanael R., O.S.B. Portalatin, Antonio Pouchelle, Patrick Prinz, Julia D., V.D.M.F. Racine, Jean-François Ramirez Gonzalez, Rafael M. Reasoner, Mark P. Reid, Barbara E. , O.P. Reid, Kathy G. Reid, Stephen B. Rodriguez, Maria E. Romero, Gilbert Rosenblatt, Eloise M., R.S.M. Ruiz, Gilberto A. Ruiz, Jean-Pierre M. Ryan, Stephen D., O.P. Rybak, Richard Salvador, Roberta L., M.M. Schneck, Richard J., S.J. Schuchard, Bruce G. Segovia, Fernando F. Senior, Donald P., C.P. Simone, Michael R., S.J. Skemp, Vincent T. M. Sloyan, Gerard S. Smiga, George M. Smith, David W. Smith, Mark S. Sova, Milan Spatafora, Andrea, M.S.F. Sperry, Mary E. Spitaler, Peter Stachow, Mary Ann, S.B.S. Stegman, Thomas D., S.J. Stenstrup, Kenneth G. Strba, Blazej F. Szukalski, John A., S.V.D. Tatum, Gregory T., O.P. Taylor Jr., Walter F. Thomson, Michael N. Tripp, Jeffrey M. Tyler, Ronald L. Udoekpo, Michael U. Umoren, Gerald E. Viviano, Benedict T., O.P. Viviano, Pauline A. Walsh, Jerome T. Walters, Patricia White, Ellen, O.P. Williamson, Peter S. Willis, John T. Willis, Evelyn F. Witherup, Ronald D., P.S.S. Wyckoff, Eric, S.D.B. |
Respectfully submitted by,
Dr. Joseph C. Atkinson
CBA Executive Director
Lisa Tarker
Recording Secretary (with notes for the Business Meeting supplied by Stephen D. Ryan, O.P.)