2013 AGM - Gonzaga University

Past Meetings/Events,

Report of the Seventy-Sixth International Meeting of
The Catholic Biblical Association of America 

The seventy-sixth international meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of Amer­ica was held August 3-6, 2013, at Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington. Following registration on Saturday, August 3, meetings were held by  the  Executive  Board,  the CBQ Editorial Board, the Program Committee, the Board of Trustees, and the Computer Committee. After dinner, Dr. Patricia O'Connell Killen, the Academic Vice-President of Gonzaga, gave a warm welcome to the campus. A panel discussion was then held entitled "Developments in Teaching about Biblical Interpretation from Divinio affiante Spiritu to Verbum Domini." Dennis Hamm, S.J., served as moderator; panelists included Mary K. Deeley, Pauline A. Viviano, Peter S. Williamson, and Ronald D. Witherup, S.S. The evening concluded with a social hour.

Sessions on Sunday, August 4

Four task forces and six continuing seminars met simultaneously each day from 8:45 to 10:45 A.M. The task forces included: "The Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation: Investigations into Kinship" (co-conveners: Patrick J. Hartin and Joan C. Campbe11, C.S.M.; core group members in attendance: S. Scott Bartchy; Dennis C. Duling; Edgar Krentz; Karl A. Kuhn; John J. Pilch; Kenneth G. Stenstrup; Walter F. Taylor); "Biblical Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies" (co-conveners: Richard J. Bautch and Jean­ Fran9ois Racine; core group members in attendance: Linda Day; Russell K. McDougall, C.S.C.; Michael Patella, O.S.B.; David Penchansky; Antonio Portalatin; C. Gilbert Romero; Sandra M. Schneiders, I.H.M.; David W. Smith; Peter Spitaler); "John's Gospel and the Old Testament" (co-conveners Lawrence E. Frizell and Gregory Y. Glazov; core group members in attendance: Sherri L. Brown; Michael Allen Daise; Andreas Hoeck; William S. Kurz, S.J.; Francis Martin; George T. Montague, S.M.; Robert P. Miller, I.C.S.S.T.; Earl Muller, S.J.; Anne M. O'Leary, P.B.V.M.; Bruce G. Schuchard; William M. Wright IV); •·Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics" (co-conveners: Ahida E. Pilarski and Sheila E. McGinn; core group members  in  attendance:  Mary Ann Beavis; Damian  L. Dietlein, O.S.B.; Alice L. Laffey; Sallie J. Latkovich, C.S.J.; Linda M. Maloney; Laura Manzo; Lai Ling E. Ngan; Carolyn A. Osiek, R.S.C.J.; Barbara E. Reid, O.P.; Bonnie B. Thurston; Lauress L. Wilkins; Seung Ai Yang).

The continuing seminars and their respective leaders studied: "Purity and Sacrifice in Second Temple Judaism and Emerging Christianity" (John J. Clabeaux and Gregory Tatum, 0.P.); "The Deuterocanonical Books: Current Approaches" (Jeremy Corley and Geoff D. Miller); "Divinity in Ancient Israel" (John L. McLaughlin); "The Synoptic Gospels: Texts and Contexts" (Seamus O'Connell and Brigid Curtin Frein); "God in First Corinthians" (Robert F. O'Toole, S.J., and Thomas D. Stegman, S.J.); "The Hebrew Poetry Seminar on Psalms 136 145" (Joseph E. Jensen and Pauline A. Viviano).

The morning concluded with papers presented in simultaneous sessions by C. Gilbert Romero, ''The Reader Response Method as a Pastoral Guide to Biblical Interpretation"; John T. Wil1is, "Four Assessments of Sacrifice in Psalms 50 and 51"; Francis J. Moloney, S.D.B., "Taking the eis telos of John 13:1 Seriously"; and Linda M. Maloney, "The Sign of Jonah: Is There Something Fishy Here, or Not?"

Four sessions of research reports during the afternoon heard the following papers delivered: Gina Hens-Piazza, "The Major Importance of Minor Biblical Characters"; Charles A. Bobertz, "The Liturgical Purpose of Mark's Gospel"; Matthew G. Whitlock, "An Aesthetical Approach to the Poetry of the Acts of the Apostles"; Michael Patella, O.S.B., "Lectio divina: What It Is, and What It Is Not"; Harry Hagan, O.S.B., "Battle Narrative in theANE and in the Historical Books of the Bible"; ScottA. Starbuck, "Intended Ironical Royal Deconstruction in Psalm 45"; Michael Ufok Udoekpo, "The Theological Functions of "Seek the Lord" (biiqas :,adoniiy) in Zephaniah 2:1-3: Towards an Hermeneutics ofFaith"; L. John Topel, S.J., "I Will Not Leave YouOrphans(John 14:18a)"; Francis D. Connolly-Weinert, "Jesus as Davidic Royal Champion"; Henry Ansgar Kelly and Leslie K. Arnovick, "Bishop ChaJloner's Ecumenical Revision of Douai-Rheims: Modernizing and Antiquating"; Thomas P. McCreesh, O.P., "ANE Proverb Collections, Instructions, and the Book of Proverbs"; Geoffrey David Miller, "Shining a Light on the Dark Side of God: Divine Deceit in 1 Kings 22"; Florence Morgan Gillman, "Paul and His Nursing Mother Metaphor (1 Thessalonians 2:7)"; Terrance D. Callan, '"Reading the Earliest Copies of 2 Peter"; Michael D. Matlock, "Approaches to Intertextuality Hermeneutics in Second Temple Jewish Literature: Review, Appraisals, and Possibilities"; R. John Boettcher, "Revealing Imperatives in John"; Elliott C. Maloney, O.S.B., "St. Paul, Master of the Spiritual Life 'in Christ"'; John C. Endres, SJ., "The Book of Jubilees and Biblical Cartography: A History of Interpretive Influence"; Gregory Tatum, O.P., "Romans 8:21: Liberation/Glorification."

The Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich, bishop of the Diocese of Spokane, was presider and homilist at the afternoon eucharistic liturgy. Members of the association who died during previous years were commemorated at the liturgy: His Eminence Carlo Cardinal Martini; Rev John Comiskey; Rev. Joseph Lachowski; Fr. Luke Steiner, O.S.B.; Dr. Paul "Bud" Achtemeier; Don Wimmer. After dinner, Richard J. Dillion gave the presidential address entitled, "Mark 1:1-15: A 'New Evangelization.'"

Sessions on Monday, August 5

Rev. Harry Hagan, O.S.B., was the principal celebrant and homilist at the 7:00 A.M. eucharistic liturgy, replacing Rev. Pat Madden, who was unable to attend.

The task forces and continuing seminars met in the first part of the morning. Two simultaneous sessions followed: Kelley Coblentz Bautch, "Traditions of Enoch and Their Value for NT Studies"; and Andrew R. Davis, "Temple Renovation in Israelite History and Memory."

Joan Cook, S.C. presided and Rev. Linda M. Maloney preached at the midday prayer service. Members of the association who died during the previous years were again commemorated.

Two sessions of research reports during the afternoon heard the following papers delivered: Mark S. Smith, "The Three Bodies of God in the Hebrew Bible"; Lauress L. Wilkins, "Silent Sisters in Obadiah"; Randall D. Chesnutt, "A Third-Century Fragment of Romans 4---5: Deciphering MS 0220"; John A. Szukalski, S.V.D., "Tormented in Hades"; Dale Launderville, O.S.B., "Prophetic versus Apocalyptic Ezekiel: A Commentary on a Pluriform Text"; Garrett M. Galvin, O.F.M., "Kingship: An Institution Rather Than an Individual"; Sherri L. Brown, "What Is Truth? Jesus, Pilate, and the Staging of the Dialogue of the Cross in John 18-19"; S. Scott Bartchy, "Why Paul Lost His Authority in Corinth"; J. Enrique Aguilar, "A Theological Reading of expneusen in Mark 15:37, 39."

Business Meeting

CBA President Richard Dillon called the annual business meeting to order at 4:15 P.M. Ronald Witherup gave the report of the Board of Trustees in place of Daniel Harrington. He gave a snapshot of the current state of CBA investments. He explained the figures and allocation of assets in relation to investments. Investments have done well. Under the supervision of UBS, CBAhas diversified their choice of investments. There has been a total growth in investments of $825,993: 58 percent allocated to stocks; 34 percent allocated to bonds; 8 percent allocated to cash. On June 30, 2013, there was an increase in return of 11.23 percent. One year ago, on June 30, 2012, the values of the accounts were $7,395,524. The value of the accounts on June 30, 2013, was $8,142,062. The change in investing strategy toward dividend-paying equity has done well. CBA has reduced its investing expenses from .86 percent to .85 percent. There being no questions, the report was accepted.

The Treasurer's report was given by Joseph Atkinson for Stephen Ryan. It covered the period July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013. The following points were made: The goal of the CBA is to have transparency in reporting. Receipts and expenses for the fiscal year were covered. $254,981.18 in interest has resulted from dividends. USCCB Grant/Royalties resulted in a net of $336,225.86. The cost to mail issues, especially overseas, has greatly increased. We are looking at putting many of the journals online. This is the last year for the memorial stipend. The CBA is looking at developing the "Light in Darkness" prisoner program more deeply. Attention was called to miscellaneous expenses of$ 2,438.28. Much of this has to do with the cost of processing credit card charges. The change in market value of investments gained in value of $591,802. One member noted that there was a mistake in addition in the assets section. It should read 9 million instead of 8 million. Another question about our involvement in New Testament Abstracts was answered. There being no further questions, the report was accepted.

The Executive Secretary's report was given by Joseph Atkinson, who gave the highlights of 2013 in review. He thanked Fr. Joseph Jensen, O.S.B., for his invaluable mentoring during the past year, as well as others who have given so much to the association. As a result of the change in investment procedures using modified investing by portfolio managers, our investment portfolio has grown by over $800,000 and has accrued over $250,000 in interest and dividends. The new database should be fully operational by September 2013. There has been a good start in streamlining office procedures. Office Manuals are being developed so that the CBA's institutional memory will be preserved. We have instituted a monthly Newsletter to improve communication with our members. Initiating changes in the Constitution & By-Laws has been a huge undertaking which is ongoing. Communication with both the SBL and the USCCB has been strengthened. We are striving to improve the CBA website to provide more academic tools and resources for our members. Some outstanding issues include: implementing the new database, which is not fully operational (a number of key issues had to be resolved-line-item invoicing, standardizing of the data, etc.); resolving the "Shopping Cart" issue on the website; implementing the new Constitution and By-Laws and resolving any problematic areas; and revisiting the Grant program. There being no questions, the report was accepted.

The report of the CBQ General Editor was given by Leslie Hoppe, O.F.M. He drew the membership's attention to the statistic on the number of articles received for submission. The increasing number has created a challenge in trying to assign articles for review by two members of the editorial board. The speed with which these reviews are completed depends upon the availability of appropriate associate editors, with the goal of having a decision for authors within two months, while maintaining the reputation of the CBQ as a first-class review journal. Four members of the editorial board have completed two consecutive terms as associate editors: Gary Anderson, Kristin De Troyer, Pheme Perkins, and Mark Allan Powell. They will conclude their service on December 31, 2013. Board members recom­ mended for a second consecutive term are Raymond Collins, Frank Moloney, S.D.B., Julia O'Brien, and Katharine Doob Sakenfeld. Hoppe recommended that the number of new members be increased to eight: David Bosworth, Wendy Cotter, C.S.J., David Downs, Holly Hearon, Isaac Kalimi, Carleen Mandolfo, Judith Newman, and Matthew Skinner. AU members' terms of service will commence on January 1, 2014, and run until December 31, 2017. A motion was made to accept these recommendations, which was passed. There being no further questions, the report was accepted. 

The Report of Old Testament Abstracts was given by Joseph E. Jensen for Christopher Begg. The February and June 2013 issues of OTA are complete. They contain a total of 1,432 article abstracts and 197 book abstracts. Both the October 2013 and the February 2014 issues are with the typesetter. The report was accepted by the members.

Rob Kugler gave the report of the chair of the CBQMS. He thanked Mark Smith, his predecessor, for his excellent work. There are no new editors to elect to the board this year. Since January, no new volumes have been published, although two are at the press: Deena Grant's Divine Anger in the Hebrew BibleandYeong SeonKim's The Temple Administration and the Levites in the Chronicles. There was discussion on how to make the monograph series better known to the public. Suggestions that were made included more realistic pricing of the volumes; advertising, including advertising on the CBA website with little blurbs and advertising in the CBA newsletter; making the series available to be ordered online once the shopping cart issue is resolved. There being no further discussion, the report was accepted.

The report of the Committee on Credentials was given by Joseph Atkinson. The list of candidates for membership in the association had been provided in the registration packages and thus was available to the members. A motion was made that the following individuals be approved for membership in their respective levels into the Catholic Biblical Association:

For Active Membership:

Giovanni B. Bazzana; Mark G. Bilby; Stephen D. Black; David E. Bokovoy; Roy E Ciampa; Teresa Ann Ellis; John T. Fitzgerald; Susana de Sola Funsten; Sixto Garcia; Lourdes Garcia Urena; Pierre J. Gilbert; Mark B. Giszezak; Marianus P. Hera, S.V.D.; Brent A. Kurger, C.S.C.; Robert Lapko; Andrews George Makkattukunn-el; Paul J. Nord, O.S.B.; Mark Nussberger; Roberto Piani; Gilberto A. Ruiz; Niveen Sarras; John A. Szukalski, S.V.D.; Philip H. Towner; Alistair G. Weir; Stephen E. Young.

For Associate Membership:

Sonja G. Anderson; Carson M. Bay; Michael J. Bolesta; Ximena DeBroeck; David J. Farrar; Michele Stopera Freyhauf; Dominic Sundara Raj Irudayakaj, S.J.; Todd P. Kennedy; Alice M. Logan; Michael J. Morris; Jose Padilla, O.P.; Nathanael R. Polinski, O.S.B.; Jordan J. Schmidt, O.P.; Eric J. P. Wagner, C.R.; Michael R. Whitenton.

The candidates were accepted by unanimous voice vote.

Corrine L. Carvahlo gave the report of the Committee on Nominations. Open positions have been filled as follows: President: Gary Anderson; Vice President: Barbara Reid, O.P.; Executive Secretary: Joseph Atkinson; Consultors: Richard Bautsch and Charles Bobertz; Treasurer: Christopher Begg; Chair of the Board of Trustees: Ronald Witherup, S.S. A motion was made that these individuals be approved. The motion passed. There being no further discussion, the report was accepted.

Ronald Witherup gave the report of the Committee on Resolutions. It was resolved that the association shall express its profound thanks and deep appreciation to Gonzaga University and to all of the local hosts on the occasion of its seventh-sixth meeting.

New Business

Notice from the Program Committee was given that members need to fill out the online program evaluation, located on the homepage of the CBA website. Joseph Atkinson gave notice about future annual meetings: In 2014, the meeting will be July 26-29 at Providence, Rhode Island. 2015 holds one prospect in New Orleans but this is not finalized. No hosts have come forward for 2016, which is to be held in the west.

Constitution & By-Laws: Richard Dillon went over the history behind the royalty issue with the USCCB. Paragraph 9 of the Constitution, which deals with the relationship between the CBA and the USCCB, was put up on the screen and read by Dillon. He then went over the efforts of the Committee on the Changes to the Constitution and By-Laws, led by Linda Day. The General Secretariat of the USCCB decided that the full CCD needed to be consulted on the changes in CBA governing documents. The Executive Board voted that more discussion was required before the changes could  be put up this year for a vote at the business meeting. If a vote had been taken on the changes, the changes would then require the approval of the CCD. A vigorous discussion then took place. The general consensus was that it was more prudent to get feedback first from the CCD and not submit the changes for a vote at this annual meeting. Once feedback has been obtained, then the motion for changes to the Constitution and By-Laws could be voted on next year. There being no further discussion, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made, with all in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 P.M. (Note: Violet Halton had been asked to count the number of people at the business meeting. There were 104 people in attendance, and this number included both active and associate members. According to the Constitution, 10 percent of the active members are required to form a quorum to make changes to the Constitution. Currently, we have 1052 active members.)

The general session in the evening heard John R. Levison deliver the paper "Inspired Interpreters: The Holy Spirit and the Mind of Faith." A book-signing session followed. 

Sessions on Tuesday, August 6

Rev. Harry Hagan, O.S.B., was the principal celebrant and homilist for the 7:00 A.M. eucharistic liturgy.

The task forces and continuing seminars resumed their work in the morning. Two simultaneous sessions heard the following papers: Gregory Y. Glazov, "Hardening, Binding, and Stupefaction in Romans 11 and the Christological Error of Jew Hatred"; and Barbara Green, O.P., "Life of Pi, of Potter and Scripture: What Is Written? How do You Read?" 

The following CBA members and invited guests were in attendance at the meeting:

Aageson, James
Aguilar, Enrique
Alderman, Isaac
Alexander, William E.
Anderson, Gary
Atkinson, Joseph
Bartchy, S. Scott
Beavis, Mary Ann
Betancourt, Juan Miguel, S.E.M.V.
Binz, Stephen
Black, Stephen D.
Bobertz, Charles A.
Boettcher, Richard
Boisclair, Regina
Brien, Mary T., P.B.V.M.
Brown, Sherri L.
Callan, Terrance D.
Campbell, Joan C., C.S.M.
Carvalho, Corrine
Chen, Yongli
Chesnutt, Randall D.
Clabeaux,  John
Coblentz Bautch, Kelley
Collins, Raymond F.
Connolly-Weinert, Francis D.
Cook, Joan E., S.C.
Corley, Jeremy
Cotter, Wendy, C.S.J.
Cronauer, Patrick, O.S.B.
Dang, Thien, O.S.B.
Darensbourg, Rita
Davis, Andrew
Day, Linda
Deeley, Mary K.
Dietlein, Damian L., O.S.B.
Dillon, Richard
Do, Toan
Duggan, Michael W.
Dwyer, Peter
Dyer, Bryan
Elliott, Neil
Elliott, Susan M.
Ellis, Teresa Ann
Endres, John C., S.J.
Ezeogu, Ernest, C.S.Sp.
Fitzgerald, John
Flynn, Shawn
Frechette, Chrisopher G., S.J
Frein, Brigid
Frizzell, Lawrence
Galvin, Garrett M., O.F.M.
Gilbert, Pierre
Gillies, Tom
Gillman, Florence
Gillman, John
Girard, Marc
Glasgow, Laura
Glazov, Gregory
Glicksman, Andrew
Goodwin, Mark J.

Green, Barbara, O.P.
Gudmundson, Kristi
Hagan, Harry, O.S.B.
Halton, Violet
Hamilton, Gordon
Hamm, Dennis, S.J.
Hanneken, Todd R.
Hardiman, Patrick F.
Harmon, Bradley
Harrington, Linda
Hartin, Patrick
Hayes, Katherine
Healy, Mary E.
Hens-Piazza, Gina
Hoeck, Andreas
Hoerter, Greg
Hoppe, Leslie J., O.F.M.
Harell, Barbara Jean
Jackson, John R.
Jensen, Joseph E.
Just, Felix, S.J.
Kaltner, John
Keegan, Terence J., O.P.
Kelly, Henry Angsar
Kenney, Garry
Kinney, James R.
Klassen, Liz
Koehler, Pamela
Kolarcik, Michael F., S.J.
Kriegshauser, Laurence, O.S.B.
Kugler, Robert
Kuhn, Karl A.
Laffey, Alice L.
Lambey, Veronica R., S.S.F.
Latkovich, Sallie J., C.S.J.
Launderville, Dale F., O.S.B. 
Le, Joseph
Levison, John R.
Lewis, Scott M., S.J.
Macatangay, Francis
Malin, Gary Joseph
Maloney, Elliott C., O.S.B.
Maloney, Linda
Manzo, Juana L.
Marek, Libor
Markl, Dominik
Martens, John W.
Martinez, Roberto, O.F.M. Cap.
Matlock, Michael  D.
McCarthy, David P
McCormick, Larry D.
McCreesh, Thomas P., O.P.
McCruden, Kevin B.
McDonald, Joseph L.
McDougall, Russell, C.S.C.
McGinn, Sheila
McLaughlin, John  L.
Meier, John P.
Miles, Pamela H.
Miller, Geoffrey D.
Miller, Robert J.
Moloney, Francis J., S.D.B.

Montague, George T., S.M.
Moriarty, Robert K., S.M.
Mosca, Paul G.
Mullen, Patrick
Muller, Earl, S.J.
Nasuti, Harry P.
Ngan, Lai Ling
O'Connell, Séamus
Okoye, James C., C.S.Sp.
Osiek, Carolyn A., R.S.C.J.
O'Toole, Robert F., S.J.
Pare, Marc
Patella, Michael, O.S.B.
Pemberton, Glenn
Penchansky, David
Pierce, Greg
Pilarski, Ahida E.
Pilch, John
Polinski, Nathanael
Portalatin, Antonio
Prince, Deborah
Prinz, Julia De, V.D.M.F.
Racine, Jean-François 
Ramirez, Rafael M.
Reid, Barbara E., O.P.
Reid, Stephen Breck
Riopelle, Patrick J.
Romero, C. Gilbert
Ruff, Gerald
Ryan, Stephen, O.P.
Salvador, Roberta
Schearing, Linda
Schmisek, Brian
Schneck, Richard
Schneiders, Sandra M., I.H.M.
Smiles, Vincent
Smith, Mark
Sperry, Mary
Spitaler, Peter
Starbuck, Scott R. A.
Stegman, Thomas D., SJ.
Stenstrup, Ken
Szukalski, John A. S.V.D.
Tassone, Salvator
Tatum, Gregory, O.P.
Taylor, Deborah
Taylor, Walter
Tobin, Thomas H., S.J.
Topel, John, S.J.
Tyler, Ronald
Udoekpo, Michael
Ulrich, Eugene
Viviano, Pauline A.
Walsh, Jerome
White, Ellen
Whitlock, Matthew
Wilkins, Lauress
Williamson, Peter
Willis, Evelyn
Willis, John
Witherup, Ronald, S.S.
Yang, Seung Ai

Laura M. Glasgow
CBA Executive Assistant
Recording Secretary