Innovation: Emerging Scholars Conference
Thursday, October 10, 2024
9:00-9:30 am ET Welcome
9:30-11:30 am ET Session 1
- Anna Lee (Graduate Theological Union) “Suffering and Cognitive Dissonance
(rogez) in Job” - Erica Restaino (Fordham University) “Lamentations & Communal Trauma:
Model for US” - Sarah Turner-Smith (University of Nottingham) “Nakedness and Cities in HB: Female Subjects Deserve the Violent Destruction”
Respondents – Jennie Grillo (University of Notre Dame), Tyler Harris (University of Chicago)
1:00-3:00 pm ET Session 2
- Matthew Green (Princeton Theological Seminary) “Study of ʾašrê to Understand How Poets Shape Aesthics in Proverbs 3:13-18, Psalm 137, and Psalm 1
- Katharine Fitzgerald (Independent) “Literary trauma theory & Judith and Susanna. What Is a Cosmopolitan Text?”
- Carlos A. Garcia Alayon (University of Notre Dame) “Celestial Rituals in the Second Temple Period: A Proposed Taxonomy”
Respondents – Ron Herms (Fresno Pacific University), Gwangsoo Lee (University of St Andrews)
3:30-5:00 pm ET Panel Discussion
- Jorg Frey (Mohr. Siebeck, Early Christianity Series)
- Michael Thompson (Wipf & Stock)
- Brandy Scritchfield (Baker Academic)
- Richard Bautch (CBQ Monograph Series & CBQ Imprints)
Friday, October 11, 2024
9:30-11:30 am ET Session 3
- Samuel L. Turpin (Marquette University) “Only Gentiles Are White Cattle
in 1 Enoch 90:38” - Yudai Chiba (Princeton Theological Seminary) “Numismatics Shape Political Identity”
- Irene Quach Soquier (McMaster University) “Comparing Galatians 5:19-23 with Ben Sira and Wisdom of Solomon”
Respondents – Ron Herms (Fresno Pacific University), Chesarae Fletcher (University of Birmingham)
1:00-3:00 pm ET Session 4
- John Peters (Regent University) “Luke as a Historian”
- Hoa Nguyen (Villanova) “Women (Anna) in Luke: Luke 2:22-38”
- Agbile Terngu Oliver (Emory University) “Deconstructing Neighborliness: A Derridean Analysis of Luke 10:25-37”
- Respondents – Chris T. Holmes (Director of Biblical and Theological Education, First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta), Calvin Smith (Christendom College Graduate School of Theology)