
Meeting Schedule Menu

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    Login is required. It is recommended to choose the option to remain logged in for 14 days.
  • Click on the buttons below to go to the day's schedule. 


The links below are accessible only to those registered for the 2023 CBA Annual General Meeting.

Navigating the Virtual Program

Continuing Seminars
Major Presentations
Research Reports
Task Forces

  See who's registered

Campus emergency phone number is 402-280-2911

N.B. Times listed are in Central Daylight Saving Time!

Saturday, July 22

11:00 AM  – 2:00 PM Executive Board Meeting
2:00 PM 6:00 PM Exhibits Open
3:00 PM 4:00 PM  Research Support Committee Meeting
3:00 PM  – 4:00 PM Program Committee Meeting
4:00 PM 6:00 PM CBQ Editorial Board Meeting
4:00 PM  – 6:00 PM Finance & Investments Committee Meeting
4:30 PM  – 6:00 PM Technology & Outreach Committee Meeting
6:00 PM  – 7:00 PM Dinner
7:00  PM  – 8:30 PM

Panel Discussion
The Bible and Social Justice in Action:
Case Studies

8:30  PM  – 10:30 PM



Sunday, July 23

7:15  AM  – 8:30 AM Breakfast
8:30  AM  – 6:00 PM Exhibits Open
8:45  AM  – 10:45 AM

Task Forces & Continuing Seminars
(Break 9:30 - 10:00 AM)




12:00 PM


OT:  The Psalms and The Speaking World:
Poetry, Animacy, and Enchantment
Elaine T. James

NT:  The Creation Theme in John:
Prologue and Passion
Mary L. Coloe, P.B.V.M

12:10  PM  – 1:10 PM Lunch
1:20  PM 2:00 PM Research Reports
2:10  PM 2:50 PM Research Reports
2:50  PM  – 3:20 PM Break
3:20  PM  – 4:00 PM Research Reports
4:10  PM  – 4:50 PM Research Reports



EUCHARIST                                   ZOOM
Presider & homilist: 
Most Rev. George Lucas
Archbishop of Omaha

6:30  PM  7:45 PM BBQ
8:00  PM 9:00 PM


“We are the wicked!”:  North American Readers and Voices Psalms 1 and 37
Stephen Breck Reid

9:00 PM 10:30 PM



Monday, July 24

7:00  AM Eucharist
Presider: Craig E. Morrison, O.Carm. 
7:15  AM  – 8:30 AM Breakfast
8:30  AM  – 6:00 PM Exhibits Open
8:45  AM  – 10:45 AM

Task Forces & Continuing Seminars
(Break 9:30 - 10:00 AM)




12:00 PM


OT: The Impact of Deuteronomy on
Ben Sira’s Teaching
Nuria Calduch-Benages

NT: In Paul We Trust, But Why?
The Politics of Interpreting the Apostle after the Reformation

Timothy M. Milinovich 

12:10  PM  – 1:10 PM Lunch
12:10  PM  – 1:10 PM CBQMS & CBQI Editorial Board Meeting
1:20  PM 2:00 PM Research Reports
2:10  PM 2:50 PM Research Reports
2:50  PM  – 3:20 PM Break
3:30  PM

5:15 PM

Business Meeting
(Members only)

Proposed Amendments to the Constitution & By-Laws



PRAYER SERVICE                        ZOOM
Presider:   Anne M. O'Leary, P.B.V.M.
Preacher: Eloise M. Rosenblatt, R.S.M. 

6:15  PM 7:15 PM Dinner
7:30  PM 9:00 PM

Panel Discussion
Biblical Studies from the CBA:
Bridging the Gap Between the
Academy and the Pews

9:00 PM 10:30 PM



Tuesday, July 25

7:00  AM Eucharist
Presider: Matthew S. Monnig, S.J. 
7:15  AM  – 8:30 AM Breakfast
8:30  AM  – 10:00 AM Exhibits Open
8:45  AM  – 10:45 AM

Task Forces & Continuing Seminars 
(Break 9:30 - 10:00 AM)

11:00  AM  – 12:00 PM GENERAL SESSION
Motherhood in Jeremiah 
Jaime L. Waters

12:10  PM  – 1:10 PM Lunch


AGM Assistance

  • CBA Office
    CBA Office
    Leave a detailed message. The Catholic Biblical Association of America (202)319-5519
    Website, Login & Registration Assistance
  • Joshua Scott - AGM
    Joshua Scott - AGM
    The Catholic Biblical Association of America (989)598-0203
    Technical Assistance
  • Archie T. Wright
    Archie T. Wright
    M.A., Ph.D. Executive Director The Catholic Biblical Association of America (757)374-3594
    Executive Director
  • Pryzbyla Center Information Desk
    Pryzbyla Center Information Desk
    The Catholic University of America (202)319-5200
    CUA Facility Help