Meeting Protocol

All participants are expected to behave in accordance with norms for participation in academic conferences, and in particular are asked to note the following:

  • Most sessions are offered in a hybrid format, meaning that some presenters will participate virtually while others will be in-person. Participants are asked to be mindful to include both their in-person and virtual colleagues in conversation. 

  • Presenters should arrive to the meeting space in-person or virtually join the session at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the session to connect with the session chair. 

  • We ask that in-person presenters who desire to use visual aids (e.g., Powerpoints, digital handouts) store their media online (e.g., google drive, email) so they might access them quickly for their presentation. Some users of Mac M1 laptops have reported issues connecting to Creighton University’s classroom media stations.

  • In-person participants are invited to engage with the presentations during the open discussion by physically raising their hands, while virtual participants are invited to use Zoom’s chat or ‘raised hand’ feature to engage with the presentations. Session chairs will call on interlocutors, as time allows. Inappropriate comments or behavior will lead to immediate removal from the conference.

  • All sessions will have a technical assistant in or immediately adjacent to their meeting space to help with technical concerns and the flow of the session. Additional technical assistance is available by email at

  • Participants are expected to attend as many sessions as possible. 

  • Update the Zoom application prior to the event (current version is 6.0.0.).

  • RECORDING: This year’s AGM is a multimedia event. All sessions will be recorded for archival purposes and some will be shared on the CBA website (e.g., Eucharist Service, Plenary Sessions). By agreeing to attend the 2024 AGM (virtually or in-person), you grant permission to CBA to record and broadcast your likeness.