Tübingen 72074
Germany http://www.uni-tuebingen.de

2013 Armin-Schmitt-Award for Biblical Textual Research
2019 CBA Emerging Scholars Fellowship
NT Books
1-2 Corinthians
OT/NT Backgrounds #1
Egypt before Alexander, Greek Philosophy, Hellenistic Period, NT Apocrypha/Pseudepigrapha, OT Apocrypha/Pseudepigrapha, Qumran/ Dead Sea Scrolls, Roman period, Second Temple Studies
OT Themes and Topics
Afterlife, Anthropology, Apocalyptic, Death, Deuterocanonical Books, Eschatology, History of Scholarship, History of Interpretation (Patristic)
NT Topics
Paul (Writings)
Historical Criticism: Textual (NT)
Languages (Ancient)
Aramaic (Eastern- Syriac), Coptic, Greek (Hellenistic), Greek (LXX), Greek (NT), Hebrew, Latin
Languages (Modern)
French, German, Italian, Spanish
Religious Affiliation
Roman Catholic
Year Associate Member