Continuing Seminar: Letters of Paul


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Seminar Leader in 2024

  • Timothy Milinovich, Dominican University
  • Brian Lee, Loyola University Chicago

Program Details for 2024


M:011 - V

  • Presenter: Brian Lee, Loyola University Chicago

"Ethnicity, Identity, and Agency: The Corinthian Ascetics Among the Proselytes and Godfearers" 

 While consideration of the historical profile of gentiles attracted to Judaism has been at the forefront of many recent attempts to make sense of Paul’s letters to the Romans and Galatians, little consideration has been given to how the general characteristics of this demographic population might shed light on the identity and characteristics of Paul’s gentile interlocutors in 1 Corinthians. This paper seeks to address this lacuna, arguing that gentiles attracted to Judaism, particularly as presented in philosophical terms in Hellenistic Jewish tradition, deserve special consideration in reconstructions of the identity and concerns of the Corinthian Christ-followers. I argue that consideration of this group, particularly in light of the problem of conceptualizing gentile “conversion” within the ethnic contours of ancient religion, supports a reconstruction of one of the Corinthian groups Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians as committed to a specific form of philosophical asceticism.   .



M:011 - V

  • Presenter:  Timothy Milinovich, Dominican University

"Hidden Empire: Rethinking Colossians as Subversive Literature"

The letter to the Colossians is consumed with the question of power: who rules whom, in what realm, by what logic, by what means, and for how long. While a number of recent studies have argued that the letter (whether or not by Paul) is subversive towards Roman imperial rule, this paper will use post-colonial and ecofeminist methods to show that the power dynamics in the letter reflect Roman principles of ruler/ruled and are not subversive. Rather, they appear to show an early attempt to merge Christian concepts with existing Roman political and social narratives and worldview. 



M:011 - V

  • Business Meeting 

The seminar attendees use this time to plan for the following year. 



  • 2023

    • Presenters:
      • Paul D. Wheatley, Nashotah House 
        "When Does Paul Develop the Concept of Baptism into Christ's Death? The Spirit, Baptism, and Death
        in Gal 2:19-4:17; Rom 6:3-5; 8:14-17"  
      • Presenter: Felipe de J. Legarreta, Loyola University of Chicago
        "The Spirit at Work in God's Children and in Creation, for Their Liberation: Romans 8" 
  • 2022

    • Presenters:
      • Normand Bonneau, St. Paul University, Canada 
        "The Pauline Letters in the Sunday Lectionary: The Paschal Mystery and the Ekklesia" 
      • Margaret MacDonald, St. Mary's University, Canada 
        "The Education of Children in the Roman World and the Expansion of the Model of the Church as Household in the Pastorals" 

  • 2021

    • Presenters:
      •  Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S., Sulpician Generalate, Paris
        "Baptism in Galatians and a Question of Methodology"
      •  John Gillman, San Diego State University
        "Parresia in the Pauline Corpus”
      • Najeeb Haddad, Notre Dame of Maryland University
        "Hupotasso in Rom 13:1-7"
      • Normand Bonneau, Saint Paul University
        "Narrative and Its Theological Import in 1 Thessalonians"
      • Mark Goodwin, University of Dallas
        "Paul and Patristic Hermeneutics"


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Paul’s Letters

Continuing Seminar: Paul's Letters
  • Timothy M. Milinovich
    Timothy M. Milinovich
    M.A.R., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Theology Dominican University IL
  • Brian Yong Lee
    Brian Yong Lee
    M.A., M.T.S, Ph.D. Associate professor Loyola University Chicago