Continuing Seminar:                                     Hebrew Poetry


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The “Hebrew Poetry” continuing seminar was established as a component of the Catholic Biblical Association’s Annual Meeting by Brother Aloysius Fitzgerald, FSC (1931-2003†), from Department of Semitics and Egyptian Languages at The Catholic University of America. The The continued focus of the annual sessions has been the role of poetry as the medium for the message in the poetic passages that comprise more than one third of the Old Testament. In recent years the seminar participants have worked their way through third Isaiah (chapts. 56 – 66), and the third, fourth, and fifth books of the Psalter (Psalms 73 – 150). 

Seminar Leader in 2024

  • Joseph E. Jensen, Old Testament Abstracts

Program Details for 2024

Focus: Poetry in the Book of Ezekiel (Chapters 19, 21, 24, 26, and 27)



  • Presenter:   Donald R. Vance, Independent Scholar

Ezekiel 19:1-14

  • Presenter:  John R. Jackson, Milligan University

Ezekiel 21:13-22 [Eng 21:8-17] 




  • Presenter: Sophia Magallenes-Tsang, North Park Theological Seminary

Ezekiel 21:30-37 

  • Presenter: Joseph E. Jensen, Old Testament Abstracts

 Ezekiel 22:32-34 & 24:3-14



  • Presenter:   Richard J. Schneck, S.J., Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

 Ezekiel 26:1-14

  • Presenter:    Richard J. Schneck, S.J., Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Ezekiel 26:17-18 & 27:1-11



  • Papers delivered in 2023:
    • Harry Hagan, O.S.B., Saint Meinrad Seminary & School of Theology
      "Ezekiel 7:1-9" 
      "Ezekiel 7:10-19"
    • Joseph E. Jensen, Georgetown University"
      "Ezekiel 7:20-27"
    • Donald Vance, independent Scholar
      "Ezekiel 15:1-8"
    • Steven Bishop, Seminary of the Southwest
      "Ezekiel 17:1-11"
    • Sophia A. Magallanes-Tsang, Fresno Pacific University
      Ezekiel 17:22-24
  • Papers delivered in 2022:
    • Richard Schneck, S.J., Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
      "Joel 1:1-12"
    • Steven Bishop, Seminary of the Southwest 
      "Joel 1:13-20" 
    • John R. Jackson, Milligan University
      "Joel 2:1-14"
    • Joseph E. Jensen, Georgetown University
      "Joel 2:15-27"
    • Donald R. Vance, Independent Scholar
      "Joel 3:1 – 4:8 (MT; 2:28 – 3:8 in many English versions)"
    • A. Jacob Onyumbe Wenyi, Université Notre Dame de Tshumbe, D.R. Congo
      "Joel 4:9-21 (MT; 3:9-21 in many English versions)

  • Papers delivered in 2021:
    • Sophia Magallanes-Tsang, Fuller Theological Seminary
      "Isaiah 54:1-10"
    • Steven Bishop, Seminary of the Southwest
      "Isaiah 54:11-17"
    • Joan E. Cook, S.C., Independent Scholar
      "Isaiah 55:1-5"
    • John R. Jackson, Milligan University
      "Isaiah 55:6-13"
    • Panel Discussion:
      Harry Hagan, O.S.B., Saint Meinrad Seminary & School of Theology
      Katherine M. Hayes, Saint Joseph's Seminary & College
      Harry P. Nasuti, Fordham University
  • Papers delivered in 2020:
    • Catherine Petrany, Saint Vincent College: Isaiah 50:1-11
    • Sophia A. Magallanes-Tsang, Fuller Theological Seminary: Isaiah 51:1-11
    • Thomas P. McCreesh, O.P., Providence College: Isaiah 51:12-23
    • Brian Shockey, Asbury Theological Seminary: Isaiah 52:1-12
    • Pauline A. Viviano, Loyola University Chicago. and 
      Harry Hagan, O.S.B., Saint Meinrad’s: Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12

  • Papers delivered in 2019:
    • “Isa 46:1-13," Richard Schneck, S.J., Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
    • “Isa 47:1-15,” Christopher Frechette, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio
    • "Isa 48: 1-11," Pauline A. Viviano, Loyola University, Chicago
    • "Isa 48:12-22," Sophia Magallanes, Life Pacific University
    • "Isa 49:1-13, " John Jackson, Milligan College
    • "Isa 49, 14-26," Harry Hagan, OSB, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

  • Papers delivered in 2017:
    • "Isaiah 41:1-10," Sophia Magallanes, Pacific Life College.
    • "Isaiah 41 11-29," John R. Jackson, Milligan College.
    • "Isaiah 42:1-13," Joseph E. Jensen, Georgetown University. Trinity Washington University.
    • "Isaiah 42:14-25," Pauline A. Viviano, Loyola University, Chicago.
    • "Isaiah 43," Harry Hagan, O.S.B., St. Meinrad Seminary.


Hebrew Poetry

  • Joseph E. Jensen
    Joseph E. Jensen
    M.A., M.A., Ph.D. Interim General Editor Old Testament Abstracts

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