Task Force:                                                                       The New Feminist Biblical Criticism


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This Task Force began in the late 1980s as the Feminist Hermeneutics Task Force
and is the longest running Task Force of the CBA. The change of name signals the
breadth of feminist criticism as an academic discipline today and its importance for
the study of the Bible. Feminist biblical criticism continues to grow and diversify. As
currently practiced, feminist criticism supports and encourages a wide range of
ideological approaches such as gender criticism, womanist criticism, LGBTQ+
criticism, postcolonial criticism, masculinity studies, critical race studies, disability
studies, and other minority criticisms. The New Feminist Criticism Task Force
embraces all of these marginalized voices and seeks to recognize their contributions
by foregrounding intersectionality in its approach to biblical criticism.

Intersectional approaches to the biblical text take account of people’s multiple, differing,
and sometimes shifting, experiences and identities. Intersectionality
thus provides a framework for understanding how a person's various social and
political identities combine to produce different forms of discrimination and advantage.

In addition to its focus on intersectionality, the New Feminist Criticism Task Force
seeks to foreground current issues of concern to people today, issues such as sexism,
racism, homophobia, war, violence, poverty, climate change, human rights,
reproductive justice, disinformation, among many others. We believe this Task Force is
a place where resources for addressing contemporary concerns can be shared and
many of these issues can be profitably explored.


  • Carol J. Dempsey, OP, University of Portland
  • Sarah E. Kohles, OSF, Briar Cliff University
  • Eloise M. Rosenblatt, RSM, Saint Paul University, Ottawa

Steering Committee:

  • J. Cheryl Exum, University of Sheffield
  • Linda M. Maloney, The Liturgical Press
  • Susanne Scholz, Perkins School of Theology

Program Details for 2024


P: 331


Book Panel Discussion: Play the Man: Biblical Imperatives to Masculinity by David Clines

All CBA members are welcome to attend the discussion.

Opening Remarks: Cheryl Exum, University of Sheffield

Panelists: Carol J. Dempsey, OP, University of Portland

                  Bradley Gregory, Catholic University of America

                  Susanne Scholz, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University

                  Mark S. Smith, Princeton Theological Seminary

                  Megan Vines, Loyola University Chicago



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Round Table Discussion: Ordained Women in Ministry

All CBA Members are welcome to attend the discussion.

Session Convener:  Sarah Kohles, OFM, Briar Cliff University

Discussion Partners with CBA Members: Rev. Toni Tortorilla and Father Anne




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General Discussion of Two Articles

    All CBA Members are welcome to participate

  •  "Judging YHWH in the Book of Judges" by Deryn Guest  PDF

  •  "Knowledge, Power, and Academic Freedom" by Joan W. Scott  PDF

Session Convener:  Eloise Rosenblatt, RSM, St. Paul University, Ottawa



The New Feminist Biblical Criticism

  • Carol J. Dempsey, O.P.
    Carol J. Dempsey, O.P.
    B.A.,, M.A., Ph.D. Professor of Theology (Biblical Studies) University of Portland
  • Sarah E. Kohles, O.S.F.
    Sarah E. Kohles, O.S.F.
    M.A., Ph.D. Briar Cliff University
  • Eloise M. Rosenblatt, R.S.M.
    Eloise M. Rosenblatt, R.S.M.
    M.A., S.T.L., Ph.D. Attorney at Law Saint Paul University

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  • Joshua Scott - AGM
    Joshua Scott - AGM
    The Catholic Biblical Association of America (989)598-0203
    Technical Assistance
  • Archie T. Wright
    Archie T. Wright
    M.A., Ph.D. Executive Director The Catholic Biblical Association of America (757)374-3594
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